「原民傳統x 現代設計」為品牌重要的意涵,品牌標誌以台灣符號為基礎,融入女性元素,整體圖形傳遞原民文化古樸誠懇的形象,承襲古法卻重獲新生的創新過程中,讓台灣地形輪廓結合大拇指印,期許品牌精神能如漣漪般,由向外傳遞至世界角落。
Process and results
“Indigenous Tradition x Modern Design” is the very implication of the brand, where the label is based on Taiwanese symbols combining with the elements of feminism. The entire figure delivers the primitive and sincere image of indigenous culture, through the renovation process in succeeding to move away from the ancient ways and being revived as a new born. Also, we connect the contour of Taiwan’s terrains with the contours of thumb, expecting that the spirit of the brand can be spread out to every corner on Earth just as ripples.